Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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Text File
205 lines
Version 0.5
Copyright (C) 1991 Vantage Software Co.
PICTURES ABC is a children's education program running under Microsoft
Windows 3.0. It is designed for children from 2 to 6. The purpose of
the program is to teach children the association between alphabets and
words through the usage of pictures and voice.
PICTURES ABC currently has two updated versions. Version 0.5 is the
final version for shareware distribution. It has all the basic features
of the program, and it only contains the animal category. Version 2.0 is
the final registered version. It has all of the basic features of Version
0.5 plus enhanced capabilities such as Soundblaster support, shrinkable
screen, and expandable categories. In addition, Version 2.0 includes four
categories: animal, food, people, and things.
PICTURES ABC Version 0.5 should give you a taste of how you can teach and
enjoy this program with your children. If you find it to be a fun and
effective teaching tool, we recommend you to register for Version 2.0.
You will have more fun with the additional three categories and enhanced
You are welcome to distribute or share PICTURES ABC version 0.5 with
your friends provided you do not alter the contents of this program.
Only PICTURES ABC version 0.5 can be treated as public domain software.
You may not distribute PICTURES ABC registered version 2.0.
The distribution version of PICTURES ABC contains the following files
PICABC.EXE - the main executable
PICABC.TXT - this readme file
DOVOICE.DLL - PC speaker sound DLL
A.SPK - PC speaker voice file
All of the above files should be located in the same sub-directory for
the program to operate properly.
Since PICTURES ABC operates under Microsoft Windows 3.0 environment,
the following system configuration is recommended for PICTURES ABC
to run effectively.
- PC/AT 286, 386, 486, or better computer operating
at speed greater than 10 MHz
- Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later operating environment
- Mouse pointing device
- EGA, VGA, and XGA display system
To install PICTURES ABC, just copy the files stated in the FILE LIST
paragraph above into a sub-directory of your choice. Then, you should
activate the Microsoft Windows 3.0 environment. Next, select the
"RUN" option under the "file" menu item of your Windows 3.0 Program
Manager. This will result a dialog box appears on your screen. Under
the "Command Line" input, type in the directory path of PICTURES ABC
and PICABC.EXE to execute the program.
If you want to permanently install PICTURES ABC in your Program
Manager, please refer to Windows 3.0 User's manual for the procedures
to adding icons within Program Manager.
Upon activating PICTURES ABC, it will undergo an initialization process
for a period of 15 seconds. During this time, a message box will be
displayed on the screen, and the mouse will be disabled. When the mouse
is re-enabled, you may click on the "OK" bottom to enter the main program.
After initialization, PICTURES ABC displays the twenty six alphabets with
four selection categories. The categories are: animals, foods, people,
and things. Each category is identified by a graphic symbol displayed in
the blue rectangular area. The default category is animals. You may
select the category by clicking the mouse on the category symbol, or use
the left and right arrow keys to high-lite the desired category symbol.
However, only the animals category contains pictures and voice in the
distribution version.
After the selection has been made, you may start to enter any one of the
twenty six alphabets. This can be done by either pressing the letters on
the keyboard or using the mouse to click on the alphabet button displayed
on the screen. When an alphabet is entered, a picture will come up with
the word associated with the alphabet written on top of the picture. As
the picture appears on the screen, the PC speaker will generate the voice
to pronounce the word. Entering any other alphabet will cause a new
picture to appear and the old picture to disappear. Clicking on the
picture or pressing any non alphabetic key will make the current picture
disappear. This process may be repeated until you wish to terminate the
For the ABC PICTURES distribution version, only the animal category
generate pictures and voice. All other will generate registration
PICTURES ABC Version 2.0 contains three major enhanced capabilities.
They are:
1) SoundBlaster Support - PICTURES ABC Version 2.0 will automatically
detect the presence of Soundblaster card. If it exists, the program
will use it to generate voice which produce better sound. Otherwise,
the program will default to PC speaker to generate voice.
2) Shrinkable Screen - PICTURES ABC Version 2.0 can reconfigure its main
display window to fit a new size selected by the user. After the
program established its new size and location within the Windows'
environment, all the popup pictures will be displayed according to
the new program configuration. The minimum size for PICTURES ABC
main window is 320 X 240 pixels. With this new capability, you can
share the computer screen with your kids.
3) Expandable categories - PICTURES ABC Version 2.0 is capable of
incorporating additional categories to the basic four categories
included with the main program. It has the capacities to handle
up to 30 different categories. If you like to have your child
learning a particular category of words, we welcome your suggestion.
Just put the category name and words associate with the category in
the registration form, we will consider it in the expansion kit for
Also, if you have other ideas and suggestion to PICTURES ABC, we also
like to hear it. Again, please write them down in the registration
form, and we will consider it as future enhancement of PICTURES ABC.
The distribution version of PICTURES ABC is a freeware. It serves as
a demonstration for the registered version of PICTURES ABC. However,
it is copyrighted material, and it is protected by the copyright laws
of the United States. You may not alter, decompile, nor disassemble
the program for any purpose.
We encourage you to share this distribution version of PICTURES ABC
with your friends.
To register and obtain version 1.0 of PICTURES ABC software, please
fill out the form below and send it with $20.00 registration fee to
P. O. BOX 612631
SAN JOSE, CA 95161-2631
(408) 248-4751
Upon receiving your registration form, we will send you the PICTURES ABC
version 1.0 within three weeks.
Vantage Software Co is not responsible for any damages or loss of data due
to usage of PICTURES ABC distribution version.
City:________________________ State:_________ Zip:___________
Telephone: (________)-_______________________________________
Disk size: ________360K ________720K________1.2M________1.4M
Display type (VGA, EGA, etc.):_______________________________
Source of PICTURES ABC distribution version:
Suggestion and Comments: